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The lawyers at Castle & Associates in Calgary represent clients in proceedings before the Alberta Court of Appeal. Our clients include those we represented at the trial level and those who were represented by others in the court of first instance. Our experience and knowledge in all aspects of family law, wills and estates make us particularly able to effectively execute legal appeals, since we are accustomed to cases that challenge legal convention, are fact-laden, complex and hard fought by the other side.

Knowledge Specific To Civil Appeals

Appeals work is different from other kinds of courtroom legal work. When cases are heard at the Court of Appeal, lawyers are asked to analyze the law that applies to the specific case and not debate the facts. At Castle & Associates, we are comfortable with the challenge this presents. We seek and exploit the opportunity to take on cases that are of vital importance to the lives of our clients, as well as to those who seek to create new law.

As civil litigation counsel, we have appeared frequently in the Alberta Provincial Court, Court of Queen's Bench, as well as the Court of Appeal. We have taken cases in unique areas such as child welfare and same-sex relationships and those that fall into more conventional legal areas but require significant and diligent advocacy, such as high-asset divorce. In every case we take, our first priority is always the well-being of our clients. When we represent you, your legal interests are our primary concern.

Why Castle & Associates for Appeals?

Castle & Associates provides strategic and results-driven representation for appeals in Alberta’s legal system. Our experienced team is dedicated to identifying errors in legal decisions and presenting compelling arguments to achieve the best possible outcomes for our clients.

Whether you’re pursuing an appeal or defending against one, Castle & Associates is here to help. Call 403-265-3403 within Alberta. Or, contact us online.


We are family law litigators who have appeared in all three levels of Alberta courts: Provincial Court, Court of Queen's Bench and Court of Appeal. Our lawyers have nearly 60 years of courtroom experience between them and frequently appear before prominent Alberta judges.

See Our Lawyers

Contact us today

Castle & Associates accepts private retainer and legal aid clients and serves both with equal vigour and enthusiasm. We encourage anyone interested in learning about our legal services to get in touch with us for a consultation appointment with one of our lawyers.